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Our mission is validated by the brands we partner with.

The mission of navu is to partner with sustainable brands and support their growth strategies in order to elevate their market presence and thus spread their impact across a wider area. We achieve this by joining our partner's journey and delivering personalized, on-demand, risk and capital-free, business development & consulting services to drive their mission forward.

We believe there does not need to be a compromise when making sustainable purchases

We believe consumers deserve quality products produced in sustainable eco-friendly ways at prices that leave little room for reconsideration. That is why we partner with sustainable brands from around the world to ensure their every-day household products can reach more consumers and make the impact that they deserve.

Image by Jon Tyson
Image by Nejc Soklič

International By Design.

Founded by two brothers with a diverse set of experiences in the nonprofit, engineering, and consulting world - we share the common drive to make the world a better place for future generations.

Having collectively worked in over 15 different countries, we have open eyes to what sustainability looks like on a global level.


With a footprint in the United States, Germany, and Colombia, we know what it means to take your business internationally and are ready to support you in this journey.

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