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We support partner brands to scale up via new market channels so that their sustainable solutions can make even more impact.

The partnership journey with navu is seamless and both risk & capital-free.

First, We Listen.

We get to know one-another, understand the growth objectives and target markets, and we discuss what capabilities we could offer in this direction.

We Partner With Only The Best.

We look for brands that are redefining their industry in a sustainable way and meet our partnership criteria.

Win Win, Win.

We define our scope in alignment with the pre-agreed objectives, and outline the small kick-back to navu, contingent on achievement of these goals. We win only when our partner wins.

Papers And Pens And Things.

We hash out the final details, sign on the dotted line, and begin exchanging supporting materials which will guide us on our journey.

Business Development.

We set off to work, connecting with our 2000+ like-minded distributers and retailers in 20+ countries to brainstorm and find the right channels to meet our partner's objectives.

It's A Match!

Once the mood is right and we have qualified our lead, we loop back with our partner to make sure the new channel is indeed a match, and then we handover the new opportunity for our partner to close. Rinse & Repeat.

I am interested, please explain it a bit more.

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